4 Lies Your Family Will Likely Tell This Holiday Season

As many of you are embarking on a journey home this week or in the weeks to come, you’re anticipating the joy that comes with seeing your family after time spent apart.


With the excitement of family, comes the inevitable mess you are sure to encounter.


You know when folk haven’t seen each other in a while, they have to put on their brand new.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
Photo Credit: Tumblr

Or omit the truth.


Here are 4 lies you can sniff out from your relatives this year.



4. “We’re Just Friends”

Photo Credit: Madame Noire
Photo Credit: Madame Noire

Remember on The Cosby Show when Vanessa brought Dabnis home and introduced him as her fiance and by Thanksgiving they were “just friends”? We all have that one relative who brings a new significant other to dinner every holiday and isn’t totally forthcoming about their relationship status. Remember when your Uncle Tony always introduced you to a new auntie around the holidays and she seemed to look different by the next year? Do the math. No doubt, men and women can be friends celebrating the holidays…but some of ya’ll have the benefits too.

3. “I Made This From Scratch”


Beware. Patty Pie will be sliced in your Aunt Lulabelle’s favorite tupperware.

2. “I’m full. No round two for me.”

Check the fridge and the backseat of their car. They’ve already packed a to-go plate for lunch tomorrow.

1. “The food will be ready soon.”

Bring some snacks, because your mama pulls the okie doke every year at the same time.

Family will always be family. Love them as they are. Roll up in the house, eat good and be yourself! If you can’t be you in front of family, where else can you do it?

But..I do want to leave you a word of advice. Ladies, if you are bringing your man home for the first time, call ahead and tell moms NOT to invite cousin Faith’s fast ass.

3 thoughts on “4 Lies Your Family Will Likely Tell This Holiday Season”

  1. I legit just laughed out loud. This holiday season marks the fourth that my boyfriend and I have spent with one another’s family and I must say these four lies be flowing from both sides! My family is especially guilty of #1!

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