#GirlsWriteIn Twitter Recap on Focus and Procrastication

I told my roommate four months ago that I wanted to create a network and space for creatives; anyone under the spectrum of writers, bloggers and digital strategists. The only requirement, you must be a girl. Here, #GirlsWriteIn was born. Back in December, I hosted an event in Charlotte bringing together 30+ women to discuss social media, content creation and SEO. After I posted a blog and gallery to recap the event, I had ladies in other cities tweeting me, “so when is it coming to DC?” or “I’m mad I’m in Chicago!” and even the “I’m in Charlotte, how did I miss this?”. That’s when I realized I needed to expand my reach to where I spend most of my time, Twitter.

Lat night, within 15 minutes, the #GirlsWriteIn was trending in Philadelphia followed by Charlotte. I am amazed at the outpouring of responses. The ladies really dropped some jewels on me. I tried my best to individually respond or acknowledge every tweet. It was LIT!

Selecting the first topic to discuss was simple; focus. We all know that being a creative spirit means your mind is constantly on a hamster wheel. And sometimes finding a way to stop and buckle down is almost next to impossible. The best way to combat distractions are to acknowledge them.

My awesome cohosts, Kimberly Renee @reelsistas and Tyece @tyunscripted helped keep the momentum going.


In no particular order, here are a few ideas on focus and how to become more productive.

Until next time, keep the conversation going. What’s driving your creativity?

Thank you all for such wonderful ideas! Part 2 is in February and an event is in the works for March!

Photo Credit: Giphy
Photo Credit: Giphy

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