8 Bad Habits I Want To Break After Age 26

My birthday is on Saturday and I have officially entered reflection mode.

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Then I started thinking, you’ve got to get your life together.

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With age comes wisdom and I do some pretty not smart things for 26.

(Photo Credit: Headoverheels.com)

8. Biting My Nails

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Horrible, horrible habit that I continuously grapple with.

7. Stress Eating

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Food solves life’s complexities for me.

6. Over Analyzing Everyone And Everything

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I think way too much about things that shouldn’t require nor deserve my attention.

5. Time Mismanagement

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Yes, I confirm this stereotype about black people. I am never on time, mainly because I overestimate how much time I have to get places.

4. Shutting Down

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This is a recently acquired trait of mine. When I do not want to deal with people, I do just that…I do not deal with them. I’m looking to find a new method of conflict resolution.

3. Awkward Expressions

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I am quite the animated character and wear my thoughts on my face.

2. Procrastintation

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Late texts. Missed deadlines. No email responses. I have a hard time balancing work and life. I’m surprised I remembered to post this blog. I’m going to do better, ya’ll.

1. Beating Myself Up

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I need to remember that I am human and deserve a few screw ups or 1,000 just like everyone else.

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