7 Things About Girl Tyler

7. My parents almost named me Amber. A feminine name is nice and all but come on, Girl Tyler is pretty awesome. This kid is definitely a Tyler.

6. Both of my pinky fingers are crooked. Like they won’t stand up straight. Apparently that runs in the family because my maternal grandmother had the same issue.

5. I think like a clock. Every moment of my life is broken down into a time frame, however I’m rarely on time. For instance I was supposed to write this 4 hours ago.

4. I am a fat girl at heart. I love cake and ice cream. Sorry guys, I am frontin’ with the workout pics and status updates, I’m usually posting them from Chick-Fil-A’s drive thru. It was discipline and the grace of God that helped me to drop 70lbs. Whew, glad I got that off my chest. I hope I have not failed my supporters.

3. I dvr reruns from 20 years ago. Whitley and Dwayne’s wedding never gets old.

2. Beyonce annoys the crap out out of me but I know the words to all of her songs. Her music stays in shuffle on my phone. When her songs comes on at parties, I perform her moves. True story. You can’t tell me I wasn’t a video girl in my former life.

1.  I love being with friends and going to big events but I just recently joined the loner’s club. “Self discovery often happens in solitude while companionship is a beautiful opportunity to discover others.” I didn’t Google that, I made it up.

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