Finding My Own Strength

The last two years of my life have been a complete roller coaster. I’ve spent the last couple of months reflecting on both my professional and personal growth. I am not exactly where I want to be, but still pleased with the progress.

During the summer of 2011, I was stuck in a rut. Dead end job with no future in sight. I’d recently been promoted but I still felt like something in my life was missing. My creative flame had died and I longed to get it back. I’d only been out of college for a year and already burned out. Everyday was predictable, nothing to look forward to.

Fortunately, I’d made some of my best friends in life on the job but those relationships couldn’t sustain me professionally.

After whining, moaning and complaining about the state of my affairs, I decided to get up and do something about it. The question was, “what do I want to do?”. I tried to live through my peer’s aspirations by starting graduate classes and failed miserably. Overall fed up with the business, I began applying for outside jobs that I was unqualified for. No such luck.

After a few months of rejections, I stopped worrying and pray. Pray for the Lord to steer me in the right direction. I got the idea to reach back out to the News Director at my college internship to see if he was hiring. Thinking I’d get the job because of our rapport, I found out too quickly that this was a no-go. He told me that it just wasn’t my time. Another News Director informed me that I had no future in a newsroom, and to just call it quits.

In all reality, I didn’t have the news experience that I needed. For the next few months, I began relearning news writing skills and how to properly produce a show. By February of 2012, I saw an opening and interviewed a second time. On this go-round I made it quite clear that I was confident that I could do the job if just given a chance. Well I got that chance. I didn’t know what the hell I was getting myself into.

Flash forward to today, and I am in a content state than before. I had to bust my butt in order to prove myself in the newsroom. To be honest, I wanted to quit but the Lord wouldn’t let me do it. I’m glad he gave me that extra push. It’s nice to look back and chart how far I’ve come. I won’t go into my job responsibilities but I can say that every show I produce speak for themselves. I’m a phenomenal producer with a good eye for quality entertainment. Being able to meet different people and have a large grasp on current events is pretty cool.

Along the way I’ve come across a few naysayers, and thoroughly enjoy proving them wrong. The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can’t do something. My career goals have gained clarity and I am excited to fulfill my own personal expectations.

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